Spain is the European country that receives the largest number of Erasmus students and chosen by many young people from Latin America who value cultural proximity or seek a degree Bologna to give them access to the EU professionally, but also becoming a popular destination for Asian students sued, Chinese especially, interested in the language and in connection with the South American continent. Above 950.000 foreign students enrolled in Spain during the past year, both public and private, según el portal Study in Spain, una iniciativa impulsada por Turespaña y el Icex en la que también participan el Ministerio de Educación y el Instituto Cervantes, which aims to boost tourism studies and provide useful information for foreign students.
España uno de los destinos más solicitados
La suma de múltiples factores hace de España uno de los destinos más solicitados y atractivos para formarse. Miguel Costa, I Admissions DirectorAnd University, highlights, inter alia, weather, gastronomy and cultural wealth, to which it adds the fact that the cost of living is lower than in many neighboring countries. In your opinion, Spanish universities, aware of this attractive, have made every effort to welcome foreign students in recent years. "In addition, some business schools, entre las que se incluye IE Business School, were pioneers in offering programs in English and enjoy a high international recognition, leading positions in international rankings ".
UK registers 1.582 tuition and Spain, 1.377.
The truth is that business schools are one of our greatest assets academic. España ocupa el tercer lugar del mundo y el segundo de Europa entre los elegidos to pursue an MBA, según se desprende de un estudio realizado por ESADE. La investigación revela que Estados Unidos cuenta con un total de 10.135 international students enrolled in the 126 mejores programas de máster en Administración de Empresas incluidos en el ranking elaborado por Financial Times, UK registers 1.582 tuition and Spain, 1.377.
The report also reflects that the location is the third most important criterion when choosing an MBA, positioning in front of the school in the rankings or the cost of tuition. So, Barcelona is the fifth city in the world and second in Europe in terms of number of international MBA students, while Madrid ranks thirteenth in the world rankings and the European quarter.
El nivel de las escuelas de negocios es uno de los más altos del mundo
Arturo de las Heras, director general del CEF y gerente de la Distance University of Madrid (Udima), believes that if our country is one of the most sought after is because the level of business schools is one of the highest in the world, "As evidenced by the fact that their presence in the top positions of the major international rankings usual". "Second, our language is the third most spoken in the world, and quality training in Spanish is a gateway to employment in many countries ", ensures.
For his part, Nicole Comotti, directora de la European School of Economics, adds that in Spain there is a confluence of cultures and management styles that combines the Latin with European, without forgetting the great Anglo-Saxon influence, that is unique in the world. "In addition, the prestige of schools and teachers is recognized beyond our borders ".
El español es uno de los tres principales idiomas del mundo
Overall, the student is attracted to the language, opina Ramon Aragon, director de relaciones externas de ESCP Europe. "Spanish is one of the three major languages of the world and nothing better than coming to study a Master here, where there are also prestigious schools and lived well. Although the issue has caught the crisis, I think once the student investigates friends or social networks, still finding a very interesting country to study ", says.
Gaston Fornes, codirector internacional del MBA de ESIC y miembro de la Comisión China de esta escuela, confirms that the language, along with the prestige of the centers, is one of the factors considered by Chinese students. "They want to learn Spanish as a differentiator in their careers; increasingly see clear its relevance for China's approach to Latin America ".
With nearly 80% of foreign students in their classrooms, Nebrija puede presumir de ser uno de los centros más internacionales, although Bruno Pujol, University Development CEO of the institution, pointed: "For us, students are simply, We do not care whether Murcia or New York ".
9.553 students from outside
And not only increases the number of foreign students in private institutions, also in public, where the average is around 3,2%, con la excepción de la Complutense University of Madrid, that during the past year received 9.553 students from outside, the 11,5% the total enrollment. This figure includes the 1.716 European students who chose this institution to enjoy your Erasmus grant. For faculties, the Philology is the one with more foreign students and most diverse origins, while law recorded a number of Latin American and the faculty of Commerce and Tourism nearby 300 Asians enrolled.
But what reasons students from diverse cultures wield, some very distant, venir to decide to Spain? In the case of Jorge Shi, Chinese, language weighed, answers from Shanghai, ciudad a la que volvió tras finalizar sus estudios en ESIC para montar su propio negocio. Today is Mexican customers and explains: "My experience in Spain has given me knowledge and skills to my professional development, but also personnel ".
“Por su ambiente internacional, weather, light, the food ...”
A Eshtiaque Khan, the Bangladesh, en el último curso del grado en Administración de Empresas de IE University, what attracted him was the ranking and reputation that this private university holds in the business world. "Another very important factor in my decision was the challenge of coming to a completely unknown and see how he bore his uncertainty. Last, but no less important, I was tempted by the Spanish lifestyle, vibrant ".
Luis García Segura, Dominican, who came to Spain in 2009 para hacer un máster de Derecho Empresarial en Nebrija, where today is Professor, considered to have had a unique academic experience in the world: "The communication links, cultural, and economic trade with Europe is Spain will not only open the door to a country, but an entire region. This is exceptional ".
Last, Carolina Alvarez, colombiana, máster en Marketing y Comunicación en ESCP Europe, with campuses in several European cities, Madrid decided on "by the international environment, weather, light, the food ..., and it is also a city culturally quite rich ". International rankings of the best centers helped elect the.
Source: Five Days
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